Monday, May 26, 2014

When did sleeping get so difficult?

On a morning like this morning, I wonder do I ever wake up and feel refreshed? Feeling like I actually have enough sleep? I haven't felt that for a while. I read or heard somewhere that you don't sleep well when you are slightly depressed. It makes sense, of course, when your mind is too preoccupied by either good or bad thoughts, your sleep is going to be weird.

I have a gazillion things in my head. Maybe these things stop me from having a good night sleep. I don't quite know how to stop them though. I tried to be fully relaxed before I went to bed anyway, but that didn't really work.

I woke up with a headache and clogged nose, an early sign of minor cold. I have been feeling unwell for the past 3-4 days and today my body didn't want to wake up. I felt I should have at least tried to get up and start working, but my brain was dead (it still sort of is dead now) and decided to engage in Facebook world instead. And that led me to here.

I don't have anything important or interesting to say other than: I miss that time when I woke up and actually felt I had slept enough and the world was a better place.

And my nightmares are so regular, I don't even call them nightmares anymore. They're just part of my sleeping pattern.

Anyone have a good suggestion for a good night sleep? Feel free.

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