Sunday, March 10, 2013

Writing a fiction

I haven't been writing fiction since a long long long long time. Yes, I realise I said too many longs, but it is true. My fiction writing has expired and if it's waiting for a resurrection, it may never happen. I just don't have the patience anymore. I don't have the energy. I think I'm a shit writer (although it may be related to my lack of self-esteem more than anything). I can't focus long enough to make a long consistent story. Even in my blog post I tend to write things all over the place. No coherent plot or structure. Or at least that's how I see my own writings.

This is why I still admire and applause anyone who has succeeded in publishing their fruits of labour, their tears and blood, their love and despair, in a form of a matter how shitty their books are. What first needs to be appreciated is the effort, and then later the work. If it turns out these books are really bad, I can just throw them into a dark corner where they will only gather dust and be forgotten, but at least I have appreciated them by reading them first before I throw them into the waste land where all shit books go. If it turns out the books are brilliant, I will start recommending them to other people. The more people know about them, the better.

Though everyone need to remember that when you are publishing something, sending your ideas to the big bad world, delivering your thoughts to the hungry (and sometimes vicious) readers, you might get reaction(s). Sometimes it's good, sometimes is horrible. That's just the way things are. You want to become a trigger, or at least that's what my writer friends said about their works, so be prepared to get burned, or to shine through with that fire burning inside you.

So this post goes to a friend who has succeeded conquering all barriers to give birth to what he considered his work of art. I salute you and I hope this is just a start for something even more incredible in the future.

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