Saturday, November 29, 2014

A series of changes

It's closing to the end on 2014. It's been an interesting year and it feels like it's nearing the end so fast. Maybe because I have spent most of the year waiting: waiting for my partner to visit, waiting for my turn to visit, waiting for my visa approval, waiting for my savings to increase a bit more so I could afford plane tickets, waiting for cheap plane tickets, and so on.

In the middle of all of those waitings, I worked and worked and worked. Sometimes I hung out or did sport, but most of the times I worked. It didn't even feel like I had any time off since March. Only after I resettled myself in our flat that I could think of the time when I'm "not working." It was a little bit strange when I realised that I could actually stop working.

We have made plans. And plans have been cancelled and changed due to various reasons. We thought things were secured. Yet things were changing constantly because of so many unexpected factors. Sometimes it feels like living on a tiny island somewhere in the tropics where you can get a massive storm in the middle of the dry season...just because.

We learn and adapt. Sometimes it's so easy that I can happily pat myself on the shoulder for putting up so well. Sometimes it's so hard that I would find consolation by obsessively cleaning the kitchen--longing that sense of order and predictability. Baking and cooking become a set of little achievements, like playing Mario Cart. You get different trophies for completing different challenges. A golden spatula for baking a nice carrot cake with delicious frosting. A silver knife for cooking amazing red-braised pork. And so on. You learn to appreciate little things that you do well because everything else kinda sucks.

Maybe next year I will learn: how to appreciate constant changes in life and the ability to adapt to new things fast.

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