Sunday, October 4, 2015

Let's write for your immune system!

A friend recently told me that writing about traumatic or upsetting events for a little as 20 minutes a day for only 3 days would boost your immune system for up to 6 weeks.

My reaction to that was, REALLY? Apparently there has been a research about it and my friend actually met the lead author of the research. I think it's safe for me to believe that he's not just trying to cheer me up. Come to think of it, I have actually done it. I was more productive in writing when I was upset, rather than when I was happy. I think most people share that trait. Most of my writer friends are very productive when they're in a crappy mood. And I have to say that after writing a long post or letter about an upsetting whatever, I would actually feel better (although generally the writing process itself didn't help me solving the problems).

I'm going through several processes at the moment. The main thing is my migration process. Now we are going to deal with the visa/living permit process and after 3 months, I'm going to leave this country. This is not a simple process and I haven't actually thought about the reaction from my family. So far, they have been acting like it's not a big deal and that I will come back home soon. I have mentioned the fact that I am not going to come back anytime soon (at least for 2 years), but it seems it fell on deaf ears (my mum's ears mostly). I'm sure when my visa is out and they realise that it's going to happen soon (like in a week's time or something silly like that), they'd start to fret. So far, my mum's concern is about my unmarried status. She thought by (actually) living the life that I have planned would not bring me closer to getting married. Little that she knows it has never been my priority. Actually, she knows that (because I've told her so many times) but she refuses to acknowledge that, as usual. My dad's concern is that I'm wasting my time. For him it's security and future savings and not much anything else when it comes to what-matters-in-life. So, again, the idea of living life the way I want it to be just doesn't seem appealing or responsible or unselfish.

Another thing happening now is the return of the prodigal son. Classic. My brother just returned from a 2-year master's degree abroad and he is still crashing at my parents' while his apartment is getting a makeover. Ever since he's back, it feels like it's 1995 again. But worse because he's older now and he feels he knows all the right things. I don't mind it as long as it doesn't involve me, but woe is me, because the little sister will always be the little sister, although she is 30 now.

I've been saying to myself: this will end in 3 months, and so far it helps. I still get upset and need to vent but most of the times the thought of finally starting a life that I have been dreaming all these years helps. It also helps when I have a partner that is constantly trying really hard to build what we would call home together. Recently I just found out (he kept it a secret until a few days ago) that we would be moving into a new house and it's houseboat! Living in a houseboat in Utrecht has been a thing that we both dreamed we would be doing. You should check this if you have no idea what I'm talking about (although ours is teeny tiny). So it is exciting and I am definitely looking forward to go back to Holland and have that healthy distance from any patronising advice.

Back to writing to increase the immune system: I think it's worth trying although it might not work for everyone. I can't say that I feel amazing now, but I can tell that I am less upset about what happened in the morning today. So, I guess it does work in some levels :)

Happy writing.

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